
We design dynamic bracing for most types of neurological disorders that cause drop foot syndrome, and balancing problems.

Orthotics is a medical specialty that focuses on the design and application of orthoses. An orthosis is an externally applied device used to influence the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromuscular and skeletal system.

Tri-Planar - Helios Bracing

Triplanar correction of foot.

Adult and pediatric

Orthoses include the following lightweight floor reaction & energy storing/dynamic response graphite braces designed to improve balance and walking:

Dynamic Bracing

We design dynamic bracing for most types of neurological disorders that cause drop foot syndrome, and balancing problems:

Helios EI

The Helios EI (eversion/inversion adaptation) orthosis is a custom energy loading graphite composite brace. The double-helix construction is designed to correct skeletal structural deformities and provide an increase in walking function. This unique energy loading design offers the potential of normal walking. Patients have been fit with the Helios EI since 1997 and have had a clinical history of success. There are imitators, but there is only one original Helios EI Orthosis.


A KAFO is use when there is moderate to severe knee instability in a patient, we are a regular AFO that fits  below the knee, will not control the knee joint. Helios KAFO’s can be fabricated with different models and different technology. If you need a Helios KAFO an evaluation will be performed, componentry and design will be custom-made for your individual condition.

Helios GX

Our Helios GX (Glass Excel) hybrid orthotic system combines carbon fiber with advanced glass technology. Ortho Rehab Designs is the first orthotic company to offer this ground breaking innovative glass hybrid technology in an energy storing orthosis. This is all accomplished within a patented system using triplanar controls, coupling balance control with energy return to the wearer.

Helios Helix

“Helios Helix” with Nexgear Tango Joint. This Joint absorbs energy and releases stored energy with the Helix design. Perfect choice for those patients who desire a joint.


Our VideoGait® technique is quite simple. It allows us to assess you remotely by analyzing your gait from certain angulations captured with the video camera. We have been using this system successfully for the last eight years, and have found it is quite useful in determining what gait deviations, deformities, and malalignments you may have. We can then assess what types of alignment and structural corrections are needed.

VideoGait® technique › Helios Bracing